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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

معدل وفيات السرطان ما زال يتهاوى فى الولايات المتحدة

معدل الوفيات من السرطان ما زال  يتناقص في الولايات المتحدة  
، و كاستمرار لهذا الاتجاه الذي بدأ منذ عقدين من الزمان تقريبا ، وفقا لجمعية السرطان الأميركية
على مقربة من 900000 الاميركيين الذين كان من المتوقع أن يموت من السرطان قد نجوا بالفعل منه ، مع معدلات الوفيات بنسبة 22 ٪ للرجال و 14 ٪ تقريبا بالنسبة للنساء في الفترة من 1990 و 2007 ، ويقول مسؤولو الرابطة. انه تم منع 60،000 حالة وفاة
كل سنة ، وتقدر الرابطة حالات السرطان الجديدة والوفيات الناجمة عن المرض في العام الحالي والتقارير أحدث البيانات عن الإصابة بالسرطان والوفيات.
وأسهم هذا الانخفاض في التدخين وتحسين الكشف عن السرطان والعلاجات كافة إلى التحسن في معدل الوفيات ، ولكن التقرير يسلط الضوء على حقيقة أن وفيات السرطان بين الأميركيين الأقل تعليما أكثر من ذلك لا تزال مزدوجة من أولئك الذين هم أكثر تعليما وثراء.
وقد استخدم مستوى التعليم باعتباره علامة للحصول على الوضع الاجتماعي والاقتصادي. وخلص الباحثون أن :

ان سد الفجوة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية ، التعليم ومنعت حوالي 60000 حالة وفاة بالسرطان في عام 2007 سابقة لأوانها وحدها في الأعمار 25-64 شخصا.
في عام 2007 ، وهو العام الأخير الذي تتوفر أرقام الوفيات ، كان معدل الوفاة بالسرطان بين الأمريكيين الأقل تعليما 2.6 مرة أعلى من معدل الوفيات بين الأكثر تعليما.
كان معدل الوفيات من سرطان الرئة خمس مرات أعلى من بين الأقل تعليما من الأميركيين الأكثر تعليما.
يقول WebMD ACS نائب رئيس Ahmedin مراقبة جمال بحوث ، دكتوراه ، أن ارتفاع معدلات التدخين والبدانة بين الاميركيين ذوي الدخل المنخفض جنبا إلى جنب مع أقل قدرة على الوصول إلى الخدمات الطبية يفسر إلى حد كبير من التفاوت.
واحد من كل خمسة بالغين الأمريكية (20 ٪) يدخن الآن ، ولكن هو معدل نصف لخريجي الجامعات ، وأكثر من ضعفي ما للناس من دون شهادات الثانوية العامة.
وبينما 70 ٪ من النساء المؤمن عليهم الحصول على تصوير الثدي بالأشعة السينية العادية ، فقط حوالي 35 ٪ من النساء غير المؤمن عليهم الحصول عليها ، ويقول جمال.
"وجدنا أنه كان من الممكن تقريبا 37 ٪ من الوفيات الناجمة عن السرطان في عام 2007 وحده تجنبها إذا كان الجميع من ذوي الخبرة ومعدل الوفيات نفس الوضع مع الأميركيين التعليم العالي" ، كما يقول. 572000 وفيات السرطان في عام 2011 المتوقعة
وسيتم تشخيص قريبة إلى 1.6 مليون سرطان جديدة في عام 2011 ، وعلى مقربة من 572000 الاميركيين سوف يموت من المرض ، وتقديرات الرابطة.
بين التقرير يبرز أخرى :

وعموما معدلات الإصابة بالسرطان بين الرجال مستقرة بعد انخفاض بنسبة 2 ٪ سنويا بين عامي 2001 و 2005.
بين النساء ، فقد تراجع معدل الإصابة بالسرطان بحوالي 0.6 ٪ سنويا منذ عام 1998.
شكلت الثدي والرئة ، وسرطان القولون والمستقيم لنحو نصف جميع الأورام الخبيثة عند النساء ، في حين أن ما يقرب من نصف الأورام الخبيثة عند الرجال والبروستاتا والرئة ، وسرطان القولون والمستقيم. شكلت سرطان الثدي والبروستاتا لما يقرب من ثلث جميع حالات السرطان لدى الرجال والنساء ، على التوالي.
بقيت مدى الحياة لخطر وجود سرطان الغازية العالي للرجال (44 ٪) مقارنة بالنساء (38 ٪).
حوالي 1،500 الامريكيين يموتون كل يوم من السرطان.

اضغط هنا لموجز و آخر انباء مصر فى كل المجالات و متابعة الأحداث الساخنة

Friday, June 17, 2011

AstraZeneca Extends Its Investment in Russia + Vacancies [1

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Pharmacists_ coffee magazineElectronic Edition
Edition No. 410, year 4June 17, 2011
Today's edition sent to:
24,365 Arabian Pharmacists

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Today in Hot pharma news
Medicine of the week
Alprazolam (trade name Xanax, among others) is a potent short-acting drug of the benzodiazepine class. It is primarily used to treat moderate to severe anxiety disorders (e.g., social anxiety disorder) and panic attacks, and is used as an adjunctive treatment for anxiety associated with moderate depression. It is available in an instant release and an extended-release (Xanax XR) preparation, both of which are available under several generic names. Alprazolam possesses anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant, and muscle relaxant properties.[3]
Alprazolam has a fast onset of symptom relief (within the first week). It is the most commonly misused benzodiazepine; however, the majority of prescribed users do not develop a substance use disorder.[4][5] Tolerance to the therapeutic effects of alprazolam is controversial with one view being that alprazolam is ineffective with long term use[6] and the other view being that tolerance to the therapeutic effects does not occur.[7] A physical dependence commonly occurs as a result of alprazolam treatment, typified by a withdrawal and rebound symptoms necessitating a gradual reduction in dosage to minimize withdrawal effects when discontinuing.[4] Withdrawal symptoms similar in character to those noted with sedative-hypnotics such as alcohol have occurred following discontinuance of benzodiazepines, including alprazolam. The symptoms can range from mild dysphoria and insomnia to a major syndrome that may include anxiety, abdominal pain, muscle cramps, vomiting, depression, sweating, tremors and in rare cases seizures, suicidal ideation or suicide itself.[8]
The main medical uses for
alprazolam include:

Panic disorder

Alprazolam is FDA-approved for the short-term treatment (up to 8 weeks) of panic disorder, with or without agoraphobia. Alprazolam is very effective in the short-term symptomatic relief of moderate to severe anxiety, essential tremor, and panic attacks. Physicians that elect to prescribe alprazolam for longer than 8 weeks should be aware that continued efficacy has not been systematically demonstrated beyond 8 weeks' use, as tolerance to alprazolam's effects may occur after 8 weeks and necessitate discontinuation or physician-directed dose escalation.[15] The physician should periodically reassess the usefulness of the drug for the individual patient.[16] Alprazolam is recommended for treatment resistant cases of panic disorder where there is no history of tolerance or dependence.[17]

Anxiety disorders

Alprazolam is indicated for the management of anxiety disorders (a condition corresponding most closely to the APA Diagnostic and Statistical Manual DSM-III-R diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder) or the short-term relief of symptoms of anxiety.[16] Alprazolam is recommended for the short-term treatment (2–4 weeks) of severe acute anxiety.[18][19]
Alprazolam is sometimes prescribed for anxiety with associated depression. There is some evidence that it has antidepressant effects in treating clinical depression in outpatient settings; evidence for inpatients is lacking.[20] The antidepressant effects of alprazolam may be due to its effects on beta-adrenergic receptors.[21] Other benzodiazepines are not known to have antidepressant activity.[22][23] Studies show that any antidepressant action of alprazolam is questionable and generally weak in comparison to those of antidepressant medications.[24][25][26][27] In contrast, while alprazolam in acute or short-term treatment may have some antidepressant properties, there is evidence that up to a third of long-term users of alprazolam may develop depression.[28]




Sales Representative
In Jeddah, Riyadh & Dammam
The Arab company for pharmaceutical products” Arabio”
is the first Arabian company in the region specialized in biological products & vaccines.
We are looking to recruit high caliber, smart& committed sales representatives
for our organization in all Saudi Arabia.
1. B.Sc science or any bachelor degree from reputable university.
2. Experience at least 2-3 years of hands on experience in Saudi Arabia.
3. Language: English& Arabic speaking.
4. Skill& Attitude: we are looking for smart, honest, hard working, has ability to work within team, dependable, self motivated and has ability to learn and grow his career.
5. Must have transferable Iqama, valid driving license.
If you are up to this challenge and have the willing & the motive to build your career and develop yourself, please apply with your CV including clear experiences and personal clear photo to the following e-mail:

Female Medical Representative – Qasim Area

Leading Multinational company is requiring a female medical rep. at Qasim area.
Interested candidates send their CVs at:

Oxygen pharmacy in Dammam

Pharmacists required with 2 years experience at least
For more information please call: 00966505872273
Or send your CV to:

Saudi Arabian Pharmaceutical Company

We Are Saudi Arabian Pharmaceutical Company Agent of A wide Range of High Quality Products of European Multi-national Pharmaceutical Companies
URGENT HIRING in CENTRAL Province & EASTERN Province , Medical Representatives
Requirements :
1-Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy OR Veterinary Medicine
2-Age Not More Than  30  Years
3-Having a Valid Transferable Iqama
4-Having a Valid Saudi Driving License
5-Fluent in English
6-Good Computer Skills
IF You Have the Above Mentioned Criteria, You Are Kindly Requested to Send You’re Resume with a Recent Photo WITHIN 5 DAYS To :

Pharmacy in Mekka

Pharmacists required with the following criteria:
1-    Have transferable iqama
2-    Pharmacy practice & profession license
3-    Age not more than 35 years
Tel: 0503635508

Egypt to KSA

Pharmaceutical company based in KSA

A leading Pharmaceutical company based in KSA,
is looking for highly qualified
Med. Representatives
1-   Minimum 2 years experience in reputable pharmaceutical Company.
2-   Age not more than 28 years.
3-   Good command of English and computer skills.
4-   Pharmacist only.
5-   Self motivated, reliable, honest, and hard worker.
6-   A valid driving license
If you have all these qualifications send your C.V. by e-mail to:
Or Fax: 02 – 22728992
Kindly mention the job title in the subject (Med. Representative)

Pharmacists required for group pharmacies in Saudi Arabia
·         Excellent salaries & incentives
·         Medical assurance + transportation + residency
Please send your CV to:

SPIMACO is a leading Saudi pharmaceutical company based in Saudi Arabia,
As per our continuous expansion and growth, we are seeking for:
CVS product manager (Code PMCVS)
·         Pharmacy/medical graduate, preferably with MBA
·         At least 3 years of experience as a product manager is a reputable pharmaceutical company
·         He should have high degree of creativity, innovativeness and analytical ability
·         Hands-on work experience for the maintenance and enhancement of the company's product ranking and market share in the relevant therapeutic class, promotion of the existing products and to launch new products
Medical representatives (Code MR)
·         Bachelor of pharmacy degree - 2 years experience as a med rep in a multinational company
·         Valid driving license - age should be less than 28 years
All applicants must be fluent in English language
A competitive remuneration package according to qualifications and experience will be offered to the successful candidates with excellent opportunities for career path
Please email your detailed CV + recent photo mentioning the code of the job at the subject of your email within one week to:
Resource professionals
9 Rostom street, Garden City, Cairo-Egypt
Tel: 02 27956100/200/300

Requires pharmacists
Interview on Monday 20/6 at 5:00 pm
7 Masaken Ahmed Oraby - Ahmed Oraby St. - Mohandeseen
Al-Shorouk Company
Tel: 33029467 - 33029468 - 33028168

Pharmacists required for big company for pharmacies
Al-Abeer company
Tel: 0111746426 - 35734381

Pharmacists required
Sohail Company
Tel: 37613338 - 0145111511 - 0165548430
Fax: 37621371

Male pharmacists required for Kuwait & Saudi Arabia
Tel: 0101210316


Egypt to Gulf

Male pharmacists required for Kuwait & Saudi Arabia
Tel: 0101210316

Egypt to Egypt
Pharmacy for sale
Location: Nasr city
Tel: 0110084420 - 26721499

Multipharma vacancy

1- Medical rep, fresh or experienced ,resident in Guiza, Haram, Faesal, Maadi, Manial, Mohandseen or Dokkie, for attractive salary, car 4 years to be own, health insurance
2- District manager,3 years senior in multinational company or already has supervisor or district title, resident in Guiza, Haram, Faesal, Maadi, Manial, Mohandseen Or Dokkie, for attractive salary, car 4 years to be own, health insurance
if interested send your CV with recent photo to:

LifeScan j&j Egypt

Required for immediate hiring in LifeScan company
Medical Rep
Maadi-Nasr City-Alex
Upper Egypt
1 – Males or Females
2 – Medical Background (Science, Vet, Pharmacists)
3 – Age not exceeding 27
Send CV TO

Multipharma Medical rep.

Multipharma Pharmaceutical Company (hospital line) needs:
full time medical representatives in Alexandria and Behaira (Alexandria resident).
1-veterinary or science graduate.
2-Fresh graduates or having 1-2 years experience in a pharmaceutical company.
3- excellent communication skills.
We offer attractive salaries +company to be own car + excellent career pathways. Candidates who meet the above criteria are invited to send their C.V.s to:

Lanton pharma

Due to Our Further Expansion we are looking for joining highly ambitious motivated candidates for the following vacancies:
1. Full time Medical Representatives for all governorates (REF: FTMR)
2. Part time Medical Representatives for all governorates (REF: PTMR)
General Conditions & Qualifications: •
Medical Background (Pharmacy, Vet , Medicine, Science (Biology Sections) phythiotherapy )
• Excellent Communications and time management skills
• High profiles Person to join a growing team & ability to learn
• Excellent English Written & Reading.
Please send your updated CV with recent photo to
Please write the REF & governorate

YG Center Recruitment center

Needs for Multinational pharmaceutical company Medical reps in Alex.
If you are high caliber & committed please send your CV to:


Multi_pharma requires medical rep in Alex (center and west) and in Behiera fresh graduate or one year experience if u are interested send your c.v to:

Multipharma company

Has vacancies in the following areas:
Dakahlia - Damietta - Sharkia
Please send your CV to:
Or Fax: 0502372591


Due to Our Further Expansion we are looking for joining highly ambitious motivated candidates for the following vacancies:
1. Full time Medical Representatives for  CAIRO – GIZA  governorates (REF: FTMR)
2. Part time Medical Representatives for CAIRO – GIZA  governorates (REF: PTMR)
General Conditions & Qualifications:
• Medical Background (Pharmacy, Vet , Medicine, Science (Biology Sections) phythiotherapy )
• Excellent Communications and time management skills
• High profiles Person to join a growing team & ability to learn
• Excellent English Written & Reading.
Please send your updated CV with recent photo to
Please write the REF

Medical Representatives in Alexandria and Cairo

Violine Pharmaceuticals needs more medical representatives in Alexandria and Cairo, candidates must be active , hard working and has experience.
for company information
Please send your CV to: 

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